Thursday, February 22, 2007

Building Your Own Website


Your business web site moves your company into the global economy and provides your customers or industry with the information and service that they're seeking. As web site design advances, the emphasis remains on increasing user interactivity and ensuring information is user-accessible. How can we avoid these blind spots and get the page viewers to concentrate on important information relating to the web site.


Note that different browsers may load pages in a different order. So if you had to change the color of all pages on your site, you only have to edit one style sheet. Andrew Chak writes in his book, Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Web Sites, “What our users see are the web pages in front of them at the very moment they are trying to do something.

If you're shopping around now, though, you'll find that the toys and bells and whistles that you can install on your web pages include hundreds of scripts and applications.


When making your own website you must take into consideration the following details if you want visitors to your site.

How Should I present my website and what are the features the user is going to be looking for when they come to my site.

When I built my site, there was One thing I noticed , people liked a good web design with quality content and easy navigation.

If your site is easy to navigate people will come back and remember how easy it was to get around your site. Another factor to consider is presentation. If your site is easy to read with a nice white background with blue text or whatever coulour you choose as long as its easy to read then you will get more traffic.

I have seen websites with black background and green writing I was off the site in a flash, because I couldn’t understand the writing.

It's like what I said, you need to balance your site with quality content and good graphics. If you are trying to read the content of a page, the last thing you want is a distracting graphic flashing in the periphery. Don't use site content your target audience isn't interested in.


Colors and logos are an important part of your brand identity and they connect your site with your other marketing materials. Where a normal person sees a free postcard, a marketing specialist sees potential publicity for his company's new service. A good way to market your site is though google adwords. It will initially get good exposure. Also try linking your site to other simlar sites this will increase website rankings.


If the first link they click is one third of the way down the screen on the left then put the next links they are likely to click in the same area. Make your links obvious. Have you added links to your menu that are now out of control.

Divide your navigation bar into related groups of links for easier navigation. There’s my Gold Box, and my Wish List, and 15,459 links to things I might want to buy.


These are also very good ways to drum up some extra traffic to your website. It is one of the determining factors to ensure traffic to the site. The point is a site must have focus to covert traffic into revenue.

" Well, driving high traffic to your site is important, but what's even more important, is designing a website that makes them stay. Your website has to be powerful enough to convert these traffic and visitors to buyers. Instead, they throw up a web site and just wait for the traffic to come.


Research highly targeted keywords - do this even before you begin designing otherwise you may have to go back and clean up some of your web site design. Create a list of approximately 100 keywords or keyword phrases that you can include within your web pages. Don’t separate keywords using the underscore instead use hyphens.

If done correctly, you'll rank high for the specific keywords that are valuable to you and your company.

* Copyright 2007, Charlie Goldie. You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author’s note and website hyperlink intact.


Charlie is currentley involved in affiliate marketing and has been for some time now. His most recent Affiliate Program can be found at: Increase Traffic To Your Site and Earn Money