Tuesday, July 17, 2007


pet foods Information

Are you wondering if your puppy really needs the specialized puppy food advertised on television? If you are having a hard time discerning fact from fiction when it comes to the nutritional needs of your pet, then you aren't alone. Pet food manufacturers are working hard to create specialized formulas and blends to meet the wide variety of needs that animals have. Age-specific, breed-specific and even flavor-specific pet foods are available to ensure your pet's health and longevity. Upgrade your knowledge of animal nutrition and pet food options by following the link.

With recent headlines alleging the presence of rat poison in several major pet food brands, you may need some peace of mind about what you're feeding your animals. The pet food debate is much more involved than just wet food vs. dry food. It encompasses an entire industry. As veterinary science continues to develop, there is a constant stream of information concerning your pets' nutritional needs. Don't be left behind. Keep up with the latest news, and make the best decision for your pets. Read it about it by clicking this link.

Obesity is a major problem for many pets. An unlimited supply of food, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, has created a serious health risk for many domestic animals. An increasing number of pet owners leave their pets at home while they work, meaning many animals just eat and sleep all day. Take advantage of proper pet foods to help maintain a healthy weight level for your furry friends. Pet obesity can lead to heart problems, deteriorating joints and even diabetes. It's up to you to monitor your pet's diet. Learn how by clicking on the link.

If you think that pet food is just pet food -- and that it doesn't matter what brand your pet eats, -- you may want to reconsider. Some commercial dog foods use a wide variety of animal products as the base for their formula. In some cases, these products still contain trace amounts of growth hormones given to the original animal to help it grow to an acceptable market size. Those trace amounts of growth hormones may be enough to affect the balance of your own pet and can alter behavior. For information about safe, high-quality pet foods, click the link.

Is there really a difference between the mass-produced pet foods that you buy in bulk at your local wholesaler and pricier, smaller quantity "gourmet" foods? The increased quality of veterinary care allows our pets to live longer lives than ever before, and it can be a challenge to make sure that you are meeting all your pet's nutritional needs, as they journey through various stages of their lives. Click the link for more information about what to feed your pets.

* Copyright 2007, Charlie Goldie. You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author’s note and website hyperlink intact.


Charlie is currentley involved in affiliate marketing and selling products online check out charlie's blog at: Charlie's Blog Page

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